LE Botanica Presents: FREE Knowledge
Twin Flame Relationships
Hey Soul Fam!
I wanted to touch upon twin flame connections because there is a LOT of misinformation that exists about these connections. If you’ve read my History of Twin Flames blog, then you know how and why we were originally created. Yet, within this system and eon people have many misconceptions about these connections and why we are brought together.
Aliens + NASA
Hey Soul Fam!
We’re going to get into alien talk today because this is something that needs to be demystified within this eon. First and foremost, there have NEVER been aliens who reside on other planets. It isn’t the way each system was or is constructed. The planets that exist within a system, exist to energetically influence the earthly realm- each vibrating at specific frequencies. There ARE collective memories of “aliens” though descending from the sky in systems 1-4, but that is only because the beings entering the atmosphere were PERCIEVED as aliens- and not because they actually WERE aliens. They weren’t aliens at all though- they were what we now call Twin Flames, but I like to call them the Equalizers. Yet, they were called aliens as they were foreign to the land and looked different. There are many collective memories of this occurring, yet most people don’t remember the actual truth.
Equalizer Souls: The Origins
Hey Soul Fam!
When I was in college, I originally majored in Education, but after having a real ass talk with myself after completing my A.A. I came to the realization that I didn’t want to teach on the elementary or high school level. When I went back to school to get my B.A. I shifted my major and chose to double major in history and psychology instead. That being said, those of you who know me know that I have a DEEP love and appreciation for history. Those of you who really know me though, know that I am always and have always been on a quest to find the most absolute truths that I can find. The truth has always been something that has driven me on my journey. It isn’t enough to know the history that exists here in this realm, for me, it has never been enough. I have spent most of my life on a search for the truth and it wasn’t until I gained access to the universal flow of consciousness that I could actually check for historical accuracy. That being said, what I am about to present to you may be a LOT for some of you to take in. I am not here to debate or argue with anyone about what I have found, checked, double checked, and triple checked within the etheric realms and universal akashics....