LE Botanica Presents: FREE Knowledge

  • Light Codes + Light Language

    Hey Soul Fam!

    So last year spirit was very adamant about me making the shift to the TikTok platform. I was reluctant to do so, but eventually I got my ass on there. What I found though was amazingly shocking. The amount of absolute fodder and misinformation that exist on that platform is ASTOUNDING. I try not to scroll on there because I tend to come across people who have absolutely no real connection to spirit, people who are being lied to and led astray by demons, people who have no access to the universal flow of consciousness but speak matter-of-factly, and people who are generally lost as all fuck. Yet, these people all have a platform and are SPEWING garbage to the masses. One subject in particular that equally pisses me off and makes me want to facepalm myself is the one on light codes. That being said, we’re going to delve into “light codes” and “light language” real quick so that we can understand what this even is. Now, I placed both terms in air quotes because we’re about to break down what these concepts REALLY are and not what these asshats think it is.