Smoky Quartz
Chakra: Root
The transmutation stone. Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient ground and anchoring crystals, while at the same time having the capability to raise vibrations during meditation. This protective crystal has a strong link with the earth and base chakras. It's also the classic anti-stress stone, and assists with tolerating difficult times and fortifying resolve. It grounds spiritual energy, neutralizes negative vibrations, blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and assists in elimination and detoxification on all levels. It teaches one how to release all the things that no longer serve you. Emotionally, it relieves fears, lifts depression, and brings emotional calmness. It alleviates suicidal tendencies and ambivalence about being in incarnation. It aids acceptance of the physical body and the sexual nature. Spiritually, it increases our tolerance to stress, can alleviate nightmares, and help you manifest your dreams. It gently resolves negative energies when you come into contact with it. It also facilitates moving between alpha and beta states of the mind and aids in clearing the mind for meditation.