Chakra: Third Eye
The opening your consciousness stone or seeing stone. Labradorite gives you the ability to see what is real and true in the present moment, while releasing you from things you are ready to move on from- everything from toxic friendships to bad habits. It is a highly mystical and protective crystal. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies, while deflecting unwanted energies from the aura and preventing energy leakages. Emotionally, it shows us forgotten memories and brings depth of feelings. It stimulates the imagination, making one contemplative and introverted. It banishes fears and insecurities, while strengthening faith in self and trust in the universe. It calms an overactive mind while energizing the imagination. Spiritually, it is one of the best crystals for enhancing your intuition, psychic and medium abilities. It aligns the physical and etheric bodies and accesses your spiritual purpose. As a crystal of transformation, it prepares the body and soul for the ascension process.