Chakra: Root and Sacral especially
The energizer stone. Garnet is a powerfully energizing and regenerating crystal as it cleanses and energizes all the chakras. It is a crystal that helps in situations where one feels there is no way out. It is also capable of activating other crystals, amplifying their effects. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. As a protective crystal, it is said to be able to warn of approaching danger. It encourages love and devotion, balances the sex drive, and also alleviates emotional disharmony. It stimulates the controlled rising of the kudalini energy, clears negative chakra energy, and helps with sexual potency. Spiritually, it activates, fortifies, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing hope and courage into seemingly hopeless situations. Having a strong link to the pituitary gland, it can stimulate expanded awareness and past life recall. Emotionally, it removes your inhibitions and taboos, while opening up your heart and encouraging self-confidence. It bestows one with courage, hope and trust, and endurance.