Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Heart
The receptivity stone. Chrysoprase imparts a sense of being a part of the collective. It is said to promote love of truth and hope, while giving one personal insights. It is helpful for inducing meditative states as well as drawing out your talents and sparking creativity. It encourages fidelity in both business and personal relationships. Spiritually, it makes one alert and draws your attention to the random coincidences in which we can perceive the activity of the spiritual realm. The search for truth is combined with patience when you work with this crystal. Emotionally, it helps with trust and feelings of security, while helping one become independent and become content with themselves. It reduces feelings of jealousy and heartache and is also effective at helping with sexual problems like infertility and preventing STD's. It is also useful at detoxing the mind of oppressive images and helps one to deal with them. It also can put an end to recurring nightmares, particularly in children.