Do you want or need candle work done but you don’t know where to start? If you don’t have any tools or how to properly dress your candle let Luna Estrellas dress and burn your candle for you!
Each candle is dressed with enchanted herbs and oils of the highest quality. Each candle is thoroughly cleansed, blessed, and infused with the intention of your choosing! Candle services will happen only during the new moon or full moon phases, depending on the working chosen. I will always take pictures and send you a review of your burn.
Please include an email so that Luna Estrellas can send you pictures and an update on how your candle has burned!
Candle Services Candle Meanings:
Anti-Theft: used to protect from thieves stealing from your home, business, or intellectual property.
Banishment: used to banish negative energies from your mind, body, and spirit.
Block Buster: used to removed and break blockages.
Block Buster + Road Opener: a double action work used to break all blockages and then open all of the roads.
Bossy Bitch or Zaddy: used for men (Zaddy) or women (Bossy Bitch) to invoke confidence and attraction for dominating success in all ventures, especially business. It is used to boss up and attract golden opportunities and then success with them.
Cleansing: used to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit.
Cleansing + Protection: a double action work for cleansing the mind, body, and spirit, and then adding a layer of protection.
Cord Cutting: used to cut all cords with people, places, things, and perspectives that no longer align with your highest self and highest good.
Friendly Judge: used when you need to gain the favor or approval of a judge in your court case so that they take your side.
Fuck Boy/Girl Banishment: used to banish a specific person from your life and it's formulated so strongly that it will even banish a twin flame connection.
Glamour: used to fall in love with your physical aspects like your body and face.
Grant Me Favor: used to gain the favor or approval of someone in power such as bosses, lawyers, proctors, teachers of all kinds, and anyone else in a position of power.
Healing: used to promote healing of the mind, body, and spirit.
Hot Foot: used to make that neighbor, roommate, or ex so uncomfortable that they have to move away.
Law Keep Away: used to keep the law and police away from your home or vehicle.
Lucky 13: used to bring in luck of all kinds.
Money Blessing: used to bring you fast money.
Money Road Opener: used to break any blockages you may have to money.
Prosperity: used to bring in prosperity of all kinds.
Protection: used for protection of your mind, body, and spirit.
Psychic Awakening: used to awaken your psychic senses and spiritual eyes.
Return to Sender: used to return black magick, spells, hexes, curses, bad intentions, negativity, and evil eye (mal de ojo) back to the sender.
Self-Love: used to promote and cultivate self-love, self-worth, and self-value.
Self-Love + Glamour: used to promote and cultivate self-love, self-worth, and self-value while falling in love with your physical aspects like your body and face.
So Focused: used to invoke absolute focus of the mind.
Triple Crown Success: used to gain success in all areas of your life.
Uncrossing: used to uncross you from black magick, spell work, negative energies, hexes, curses, and evil eye (mal de ojo).
Uncrossing + Return to Sender: used to uncross you from black magick, spell work, negative energies, hexes, curses, and evil eye (mal de ojo) then return all of the energies back to the sender.
Custom One Action: used to create a custom working that involves only one action for example, self-love
Custom Double Action: used to create a custom working that involves a double action for example, block busting + road opener