Sex Magick + Why We Fucking Wrong!

Hey Soul Fam!

Last week during Thankful Thursday we discussed the universal laws, the law of attraction, and manifesting through sex magick. How are these things related? Well, when manifesting one is applying these laws to their manifestations! In order to really begin to understand how energy fundamentally works, there are quite a few things that should be looked into and considered. One of those things is of course what the universal laws are but learning how to apply physics and science to energy can bring one a lot of clarity. If you haven’t read this blog yet, check it out here:

That being said, there are ways for beginners to manifest for themselves beyond burning a candle or a petition. Sex magick is one of those ways that can get quick results when done properly. This takes time, practice and concentration for both men who orgasm traditionally and women who have issues experiencing orgasms all together. I say this because the strongest way that men manifest in this aspect, is through semen retention, while women manifest most strongly through vaginal orgasms. Now, due to our current social and sexual structures in western society, you can only begin to imagine why there is such a huge imbalance and disconnect between men and women- there is a huge disconnect on an individualistic level when it comes to mind and body as well. This is due to the way we are having sex or conducting sexual energy exchanges, and the way we have been taught to do so in the western world. This has led to a disintegration of how men and women relate and connect to one another sexually. Now I will not say that sex magick is a high form of magick, it is energy being drawn from the sacral space, which IS a lower chakra. Be advised that if you choose to manifest in this way, results may not actually be long lasting.

According to research done by Rutger's University, orgasms occur in the brain and NOT within your sacral spaces. That being said, your mind literally controls your orgasm and your ability to orgasm. The study that they conducted in order to find this out, tested paraplegics who were paralyzed from the waist down. The people that were tested were found to be capable of arousal AND orgasm. This is interesting considering the spiritual implications of ones sexuality, but it also accounts for the disparity in orgasms in men versus women. 

So men are supposed to be sending their energy up towards the crown of the women, where the women will take that energy in through her and down to her womb, where the manifestation will be created when she orgasms. The problem we face is that men take that energy and shoot it out of their dicks instead, never channeling that energy through them, leading them to have whack ass short lived orgasms instead of full body waves of orgasms. Then add into that mix the fact that women never receive that energy, and that many of them have issues channeling energy into their sacral chakras to begin with due to heavy ass blockages there. This leads to disconnect on SO many fucking levels, both bodily and spiritually. In a nutshell, many of us are fucking in all the wrong ways and have been literally programmed against our natural order by the western world that we live in. This leads us to disconnect from ourselves but also one another, which leads us to have unfulfilling sex lives, which I believe account for a LOT of the fucking misery in this world. I truly believe that there is a HUGE connection between happiness and satisfaction levels in life and sexual satisfaction. I also believe that many of this world’s problems could be solved if people began to reconnect with themselves, and in turn one another. I believe that sex could do that, when used properly and in the ways it was intended to be used spiritually!

Men, did you know you had the ability to have full body orgasms, back to back, without ever ejaculating or losing your erection? Did you know that the reason why you don’t experience this is because you have been fucking wrong your whole life? Pornography always focuses on the "money shot", the point where a man ejaculates all over the place. Bro, your semen has enough power in it to create a life. It is a literal big bang happening on a microscopic level, but it is a big bang nonetheless. Truth be told, I’m starting to believe that men die well before women do in the western world partly due to this as well. They are literally shooting out their very life force every time they ejaculate, depleting their very own life force in the process. Men usually take an average of 45 days to fully regain their sperm and energy, according to studies. If you want to get deep into these theories, I highly suggest you look into ancient Hindu and Buddhist sects and practices, especially Taoist writings. Shards of these ancient practices can still be seen in the sports world today. There is a reason why coaches are adamant about their players retaining their semen! You motherfuckers just didn’t realize the deep and spiritual implications of this practice and what it actually means in the grand scheme of things when it comes to mind, body, and soul!

Women, you have been deeply indoctrinated into hating yourselves and your bodies, to the point where many of you are extremely self-conscious. This self-consciousness and shame for your body leads you to having a low self-esteem. You believe men care about what your body looks like, to the point of fearfulness. You believe they will be disgusted with your body and so you hide it in shame. You believe that they don’t like all those folds and rolls because YOU have an issue with them. You are fucking delusional my sister. Men are SO fucking easy and thirsty it is almost sickening how easy they are. And TRUST me when I say that MOST of them don’t really give a fuck what we look like when we’re naked. Trust me when I say that there is literally someone for everybody in this world! Yet, the main issue that we need to work on here is your mentality and the way you view yourself and your body. You need to learn to love and accept yourself in order to unlock your sacral space.

Ladies, I spent my early 20’s running MANY social experiments on men and you know what I learned? Men don’t give a fuck. WOMEN DO. That being said, learn to love yourself and your body. Learn to be kind to yourself and to other women around you. What I learned all these years is that we really dress to impress one another, because MOST of these men don’t give a fuck. Sure, they love to look at what is unattainable to them. They love to look at model bodies, shit I do too. Women are all beautiful creatures within their own rights. The problem is the social media and media period has women hating themselves, and constantly comparing themselves to others. Which only further degrades their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-image. Your self-image and self-esteem is directly tied to how you feel about your body and what it can do sexually. SO many women get caught up thinking they look stupid in the bedroom or thinking they don’t know what they doing. First of all, get some fucking books and EDUCATE yourself. Take my fucking Womb and Sacral Healing workshop or my Sex Ed workshop. Go google some shit. Truth be told, The Guide to Getting it On is by far one of the BEST sex manuals every fucking written. Either way, educate yourself and then put what you’ve learned into practice! I truly believe the world would be a better place if 75-80% of my sisters weren’t walking around with permanent blue balls. 2021 is the year we find you your fucking orgasms! Go get that shit!

Now, what other books should you be looking at? The Multi-Orgasmic Man by Douglas Arava and Mantak Chia and The Multi-Orgasmic Woman by Mantak Chia and Rachel Carlton Abrams should be picked up and studied in depth for those of you who want to study its Taoist origins down to the tee. Both of these books provide excellent breathing and meditation techniques that can be used when learning how to wield your sexual energy. I highly suggest both of these books if you are trying to figure it out or those interested in furthering their research in this area. I HIGHLY suggest that all males get this book, as it goes into depth the importance of semen retention while showing you how to become multi-orgasmic. Personally, I like these books because for beginners trying to figure shit out, these exercises are easy to follow. Are they easy to accomplish in the beginning? No. It’s energy work and will be dependent on your visualization power. That being said, the more you practice, the better you will get. These books also have techniques and exercises for practicing this during masturbation and sexual intercourse alike, which we will get into next because this is the basis to sex magick.

Now sex magick, what is it? It is basically when you use the energy generated in your sacral chakra to create. This energy is generated through sexual practices, either solo or with a partner. Either way, sex magick is the harnessing of this energy through breath work, which will be the most important aspect to learn, right up there with your visualizations. The object of this exercise is to move the energy through your body from the sacral area (your genitals) to the crown chakra (at the top of your head). For some people this can be difficult in the beginning so I highly suggest that those of you who don’t already meditate, please start to do so as it will greatly help you when trying to do sex magick. Please meditate and do the visualizations for grounding and auric shielding. These exercises will help you with your ability to visualize while also getting you prepared to work with energy.

Now depending on your gender and sex organs, this exercise is done in various ways. If you are a woman who CAN vaginally orgasm, you won’t need to visualize the energy moving up to your crown- just send that shit directly into the universe! Women who can not achieve vaginal orgasms, you will be focusing on clitoral orgasms and you will have to move the energy up and through your body. Men you will NOT be ejaculating in the beginning of these exercises, or at least try not to. Your main focus will be moving that energy OUT of your dick and into your higher chakras. If you ejaculate, that’s fine, but ultimately, you want to move that orgasmic power out of your genitals and into your brain. This will allow you to learn how to control your body, while learning how to become multi-orgasmic!

Masturbation Sex Magick Ritual:

  1. Beginners especially, you are going to want to set the mood. Light some scented candles, put on your favorite sexy ass playlist- personally I have one called Loving Myself Ritual, or your favorite body butter, oils, or scents. Create a space where you feel safe, comfortable, and where you will have privacy during your ritual. Nothing ruins a mood like having a roommate or family walking in!
  2. Dress for the occasion! This is a magickal experience, so dress up! Put on whatever makes you feel sexy as fuck- whether it be a lingerie set, boxers, a robe, or your most luxurious pajamas. Dress in a way where you are feeling yourself!
  3. Be clear with your intentions. Begin this ritual by thinking about what you want to manifest. For beginners, it is best to be as clear and concise with what you want as possible. This will be your focal point during your session and you can even create a mantra (a word or phrase) to use as an aid in focusing your objective. Think phrases like “I trust my intuition,” “My heart is open to love,” or “The promotion is mine.”
  4. Masturbate as you focus on your mantra. You can use sex toys or simply feel the power in your own hands. Visualize what you desire and feel the intention throughout your entire body and being as you begin. Focus on your intention and imagine your desired results coming to be. Imagine what it will feel like and immerse your senses into it. Do this for the first few minutes as you solidify your manifestation in your mind’s eye.
  5. Once you solidify that image in your mind, turn your attention to your body. Take your time and stop thinking about your mantra or manifestation. Relax, quiet your mind, and be present in your own body. Focus on your breathe and the sensations you feel in your body.
  6. As you build toward your climax, picture your goals being accomplished, and as you reach your peak, focus on your mantra or intention and send it out into the universe in the best way you can depending on your gender and how you are orgasming! (see the note)

NOTE: Men, you can ejaculate at this time but keep in mind that with self-control and mastery your strongest orgasms and manifestations won’t be conducted this way. Ultimately when doing this exercise you want to imagine that energy moving through you and towards your crown during orgasm, which will lead you to orgasming but not ejaculating. Women who are orgasming clitorally, imagine the orgasmic energy heading up towards your crown chakra to be released through the crown. Women orgasming vaginally, your vagina is a portal so send that shit directly into the universe when you orgasm honey!

For those of you who are interested in doing more research or are interested in the practices of various peoples you can check out these following articles. I am including articles on both sex magick and tantric sex as they both coincide with one another. Here's a few articles about sex magick from various sources:

Tantric Information:

Happy Fucking!

I hope these tips help you out Soul Fam, until next week! Sending mucho luz + amor always.


Luna Estrellas

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