LE Botanica Presents: FREE Knowledge

  • Aliens + NASA

    Hey Soul Fam!

    We’re going to get into alien talk today because this is something that needs to be demystified within this eon. First and foremost, there have NEVER been aliens who reside on other planets. It isn’t the way each system was or is constructed. The planets that exist within a system, exist to energetically influence the earthly realm- each vibrating at specific frequencies. There ARE collective memories of “aliens” though descending from the sky in systems 1-4, but that is only because the beings entering the atmosphere were PERCIEVED as aliens- and not because they actually WERE aliens. They weren’t aliens at all though- they were what we now call Twin Flames, but I like to call them the Equalizers. Yet, they were called aliens as they were foreign to the land and looked different. There are many collective memories of this occurring, yet most people don’t remember the actual truth.