Obsidian Apache Tear
Chakra: Root
The griever stone. Obsidian is molten lava that cooled so quickly it had no time to crystallize. It is a crystal with no limitations or boundaries, and as a result works extremely fast and with great power. Nothing can be hidden from obsidian, as it is truth enhancing, reflective, and merciless in exposing flaws, weaknesses, and blockages. It impels us to grow and lends solid support while we do so. It is also a strongly protective crystal that forms a shield against negativity. It is helpful for highly sensitive people, blocks psychic attacks, and removes negative spiritual influences. Emotionally, it helps you learn who you truly are, bringing you face to face with your shadow. It identifies outdated behavior patterns, dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas, bringing depth and clarity to emotions. Spiritually, it vitalizes the souls' purpose and anchors the spirit into the body. Apache Tears in particular, has a much gentler effect than traditional obsidian. It brings up negativity in a slow way so that it can be transmuted. It comforts grief, provides insights into the source of distress, and relieves long-term grievances. It stimulates analytical capabilities and promotes forgiveness.