Astrology Class Notes

Hey Soul Fam,

Thank you SO much for signing up for our Charting Your Life: Natal and Numerology Charts Class! In order for you to prepare for this class, you will need a few things. Please have your date of birth, time of birth, and location of birth ready to go for tomorrow. These aspects are important to have for accuracy of the chart, especially when it comes to getting an accurate rising sign. The rising sign shifts in signs every 2 hours and so it is important to have the time of birth in order to calculate an aspect of your “big 3”. What is your big 3? That is known as your sun, moon, and rising signs. While other aspects are also important to look at, many people place an emphasis on the big 3.

For those of you who have never been into astrology, you may be surprised to know that we have multiple charts depending on which system you're using. In this class we'll be going over Natal and Vedic (also known as Sidereal) charts. Both of these charts are astrological, but they are on different systems, and you will often find that you are a completely different sign in this system. It is important in the grand scheme of things to learn about all these things, as well as where your main asteroids placements are. Numerology on the other hand relies on your date of birth and name at birth to give you a numeric breakdown of who you are.

For the Natal Charts for beginners:

Free Astrology Report (

This site is fucking great when it comes to explaining all of these aspects to beginners. Those of you who may be interested in learning more about astrology on a deeper level though can look at some books to help dissect and break down your chart even further.

For Natal chart with Asteroid placements and houses: 

For your natal chart go to the menu bar then go to the “Free Horoscopes” tab, then the “Horoscope Drawings and Data” tab, then click on “Extended Chart Selection”. You can also get your locational astrology map from this site as well.

For world map charts (astrology for location) and more in-depth asteroid placements once you become a more season astrologer check out:

For your natal map go to the menu bar then go to the “Free Horoscopes” tab, then the “Locational Astrology” tab, then click on “Astroclick Travel”

For some astrological placements information:

North Node in houses (

North Node in signs  (

Chiron Archives (


Asteroids Archives - Mystical Prophet

Asteroids Archive (



Ceres Planets in Houses

Part of Fortune in Signs Interpretations (

Part of Fortune in signs (

Part of Fortune in houses (

Part of Fortune in Houses Interpretations (

Lilith in Signs (

Lilith in Houses (

Lilith (black moon) in signs (

Lilith (black moon) in houses (

Abundantia Asteroid | Medium

Eros in the Houses (

Eros Signs | Cafe Astrology .com

Psyche - Mystical Prophet

Varuna Asteroid | Medium

Tyche Asteroid | Medium

Asteroids: Hygeia |

Hygeia Asteroid Houses | Medium

Hebe Signs (

Hebe Houses  | Medium

Eris Planets in Signs

Eris Planets in Houses (

Pandora | Medium

Astraea | Medium



Astrology is truly vast subjects. Astrology has so many different house systems and way of reading charts. It’s really like going down a rabbit hole. There is so much information that exist. Be mindful of your sources though, the internet can be hit or miss. For those of you who want to study more in depth, I suggest books. Search for asteroid and astrology books on google.


Luna Estrellas



  • The IC, which is naturally symbolic of Cancer, is the house that you will find your emotional wealth, family, and roots, and what your relationship is like with your mother. Whereas the MC line, which is naturally the house of Capricorn, is symbolic of not only your career but what your relationship is like with your father.
  • The AC represents your rising sign, and the DC represents your descendent.
  • You should look into these asteroid placements for your love relationships as they are a better indication than your seventh house.
  • ASC: (ascendent) Your rising sign.
  • IC: (imum coeli or lowest point of heaven) Your roots, home, and family.
  • DSC: (descendent) Your relationships and significant others.
  • MC: (medium coeli or midheaven) Your career and public roles.



Chart: A map of where the signs are in the sky from any physical location on Earth at any given point in time.

Horoscope: An interpretation based on the positions of the signs in your chart. The horoscopes that you usually see are based on your sun sign.

Natal or Birth Chart: the exact positions of all the signs and planets during the exact moment of your birth at the exact location of your birth.

Signs: The 12 star constellations that are found inside the zodiac field.

Zodiac: The area of the sky in which movements of the planets and the 12 constellations of astrology are observed.


SUN: Rules Leo. Planet of vitality, life, ego, creativity, expansion, self-realization, happiness, and consciousness. Rules the heart, back, spinal column, and thymus gland. Rules your outer self. Determines your personality and how you behave most of the time. Your conscious mind.

MOON: Rules Cancer. Planet of emotions, unconscious, intuition, moods, mother and children, and fears. Rules breast, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, intestines, and the fluid flow with your body. Rules your inner self. Determines your emotions, loves, and fears. The subconscious mind.  

RISING (Ascendant): Rules how others see you and how you choose to present yourself to the world around you. Determines your appearance and personal style. Rules the reactions and impression that you leave on people, your habits, and how you approach your daily tasks. The unconscious mind.

MERCURY: Rules Gemini and Virgo. Planet of intellect, logic, communication, perception, thinking, and transportation. Rules respiration, the brain, nervous system, influences links between the parts of the body.

VENUS: Rules Taurus and Libra. Planet of pleasure, love, romance, beauty, balance, harmony, money, femininity, and art. Rules throat, kidneys, lumbar region, and parathyroid gland.

MARS: Rules Aries and Scorpio (originally). Planet of action, drive, aggression, power, and masculinity. Rules muscles, genital system and sexual glands, and generally governs your general physical and sexual energies.

JUPITER: Rules Sagittarius and Pisces (originally). Planet of growth, luck, expansion, travel, religion, and higher learning. Rules liver, pituitary gland, and regulates hormone production and physical growth.

SATURN: Rules Capricorn and Aquarius (originally). Planet of time, structure, borders, authority, restrictions, limitations, and discipline. Also known as the karmic lord. Rules the gallbladder, spleen, skin, teeth, bones, the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and regulates bone and muscle structure.

URANUS: Rules Aquarius. Planet of rebellion, revolution, individualism, science, inventions, humanitarianism, and eccentricity. Rules the circulatory system, the reproductive system, and the pineal gland.

NEPTUNE: Rules Pisces. Planet of dreams, illusions, reality, addictions, spirituality, delusions, oneness, and deception. Rules the general nervous system, thalamus, and stimulation of sensory organs.

PLUTO: Rules Scorpio. Planet of transformation, life and death, obsession, power, alchemy, wealth, sex, and extremities. Rules formation and regeneration of cells, connected to reproductive systems.



Astrological Aspects: An aspect is how an astrological body relates to another astrological body as they both move through the zodiac. Aspects can be either favorable and easy or unfavorable and challenging.


  • Conjunct: 0-10 degrees: The energy of this aspect travels extremely close together, which helps in blending their qualities into one.
  • Sextile: 60 degrees: Within this aspect the energies are moving harmoniously with one another.
  • Trine: 120 degrees: This aspect is one of the most favorable aspects. The two signs here are moving in perfect harmony.


  • Semisextile: 30 degrees: This aspect is not close enough to be friendly, not far enough away to be out of sight though. Awkward and irritable.
  • Square: 90 degrees: There is a lot of tension in this aspect. There might be some similarities, but not enough to be friendly with one another.
  • Quincunx: 150 degrees: This aspect is so far away from each other. Completely different characteristics. No common ground can be found.
  • Opposite: 180 degrees: This aspect couldn’t be farther away from each other. The energies here are polar opposites and clash.

For example:

Here’s a little look at how these aspects would look within a natal chart.

The following is a look at aspect symbols. In order for you to read your chart, the chart will have symbols that represent the aspects.

We will now look at the house systems for both western astrology and vedic astrology. These charts are not mapped out the same, nor do some of the houses contain the same energies.

NOTE: Some may have 3 or more planetary placements within one house and within the same sign. When you end up with 3 or more planets in the SAME house and SAME sign, this is called a stellium. A stellium means that the lessons here in this house are far more challenging, but also rewarding if you actually successfully navigate the challenges.  

Note: Whenever we read a chart, we look towards the houses AND the signs within the houses. Sometimes a chart will have an “empty” house. This means that NO signs are IN that house, BUT the house will STILL have a “house ruler” which is the sign OF the house. The 1st house ruler will ALWAYS be your rising sign. The houses will continue down the zodiac until it reaches the 12th house. Personally, I’m a Pisces rising, which means that Pisces rules my first house, and my 12th house ends with Aquarius as ruler. Sometimes people will end up with double signs running into 2 separate houses, and that will mean that a sign or two will get swallowed up into the sign that came before it. This will often exalts that energy in a chart.



  • For career and public success: look at the Jupiter MC or the Sun MC lines
  • For peaceful home and family life: look at the Jupiter IC or Venus IC lines
  • The effects of the energy lines on your locational natal map can be felt for up to a 600 mile radius from the lines.
  • Sun Line: most luminary, where we shine and are seen through leadership, will power, and spirit.
  • Moon Line: nurturing, feminine, emotions, desires, inner need and nourishment, a place where you feel at home and belonging.
  • Mercury Line: communication, writing, technology, this is a very social and stimulating place for you.
  • Venus Line: this is a place where you can experience visual beauty, love, affection, style, art, and partnership.
  • Mars Line: this is a place where you can experience aggression, achievement, drive, stamina, motivation, and passion.
  • Jupiter Line: fortune, blessings, luck, and abundance, a place that is expansive.
  • Saturn Line: challenges, a need for discipline, hard work and order, there can be limitations, isolations, or delays in this place.
  • Uranus Line: surprises and rebellious energy, there can be changes in society and instability in these places.
  • Neptune Line: this place can be a bit foggy and vague energetically, the spiritual, unconscious, unseen, or mysteries of life can be experienced here.
  • Pluto Line: transformation, death, rebirth, power, corruption, or intensity can be experienced in this place.
  • The AC Lines: symbolic of self and adopts the appearance and energies of the planet. These line is self-focused.
  • The IC Lines: symbolic for a sense of home and belonging. You feel more centered within these lines and these lines are more private.
  • The MC Lines: symbolic of career, public recognition, and reputation. These lines are more public and reflect how you’re affected socially and in your career.
  • The DC Lines: symbolic of what you are drawn to in others and how others impact you. These lines also represent partnerships, relationships, and community.
  • Lunar Nodes: these are symbolic of karmic connection where your south node is where you came from and are more familiar with and your north node being your focus and the direction you’re headed in.




  • Juno (3): soulmate, your IDEAL partner, your ideal type, love, marriage
  • Eros (433): love, sex, passionate desire, primal instincts, lust, infatuation, passion
  • Black Moon Lilith (h12): female independence (especially in sexual nature), feminism, revenge, chaos, sex, abortion, kinks, rejection
  • Eris (136199): this is the feminine equivalent of Mars, and she is the goddess of war. It represents the feminine side of the unconscious, chaos, destruction, aggression, war, assertiveness, anger, and of moving out into the world.
  • Lilith (1181): specifically shows where you have hidden your true desires from the world to avoid ridicule or abandonment. This also deals with refusal, non-compromise, repressed anger or rage, personal independence, fight or flight, involvement in freedom movements, and fleeing one's oppressor.
  • Aphrodite (1388): this influences your charm, magnetism, personal beauty, and potential for attracting love and abundance. The relationships within this placement are more likely to be flirtations or short affairs, not lasting or permanent unions. It represents fleeting passion, flirtation, illicit affairs, vanity, fickleness, capriciousness or changeability, indecisiveness, and conceit.
  • Cupido (763): this asteroid is closely linked to themes of infatuation, passion, attraction, and fleeting love. This signifies how you fall in love, how that love develops, your approach to love, how you flirt, and handle crushes.
  • Valentine (447): this represents true love, a selfless and sacrificial type of love, where individuals are willing to give without expecting anything in return. Its placement can suggest a tendency to put the needs of others before your own and a willingness to go above and beyond for those you love. Heartfelt connections here.
  • Alma (390): is represented by the themes of love, connection, soul mate relationships, and your deepest desires for emotional fulfillment.
  • Lust (4386): relates to what arouses us. It isn't related to love or emotion but rather feverish, raw sexuality, and your deepest darkest desires. This placement is also associated with intense desires and a passionate approach to various aspects of life.


  • Ceres (1): this relates to your mother, and if you are a woman, how you mother. It is a big indication of how you nurture. It can also represent cycles of loss and return, attachment in relationships, and ultimately self-nurturing or self-care. It can also represent parenting, hard work, and even gardening.
  • Pallas (2): represents your talents in the arts, wisdom, defense, intuition, justice, artisan endeavors, cognitive ability, tactics, and problem-solving.
  • Vesta (4): women, female competition, purity, working for male authority, self-discipline, unwavering attention to a task, being surrounded by women (as a man), sexual alienation, self-absorption, and where you serve.
  • Psyche (16): refers to the Goddess of the soul and represents the soul, spiritual growth, and the journey towards wholeness. It also represents soul connections and deeper emotional aspects of love.
  • Echo (60): false hopes, unheard cries, dependence, and people pleasing.
  • Sappho (80): represents and relates to creativity, poetic or artistic ability, graceful self-expression, friendship- especially between members of the same gender, and same-sex attraction, for men as well as women.
  • Nessus (7066): abuse, abuser, deception, sexual violence, trauma, toxic situations, vengeful, predator, revenge, and manipulation.
  • Dejanira (157): victim, naivety, grave accidents, insecurities, trust issues, fear, and possessiveness.
  • Medusa (149): represents how you can stun people with your gaze, misogyny, how you continue to make the same mistakes, where you'll be punished for your mistakes or for mistakes you didn't make, overconfidence, and body dysmorphia.
  • Lucifer (1930): new beginnings, discovering light through its absence, horror, excessive pride, where you want more than you have, dissatisfaction, moral compass, lying to yourself, and inner deceit or delusions.
  • Madhatter (6735): represents where you're driven crazy by others and blamed for it, mental illness, dementia, madness, the inappropriate, capacity for insanity, and contradictions.
  • Alice (291): represents a chaotic childhood, a feeling of being small or lost, or where you stay sane amidst chaos.
  • Maniac (228029): represents our inner maniac, where we do things others would never do, unconventional or unexpected hobbies or passions, mood disorders, moodiness, and mental illness.
  • Chaos (19521): represents chaos, trouble, unforeseen issues, or hectic areas of your life.
  • Angel (11911): this represents your blessings, soul contracts, where the universe guides you, your natural talents, angels, and the divine


  • Makemake (136472): is the power of manifestation and can help you to tap into your power of manifestation. It can help you tap into the power of your own mind through focus, visualization, and affirmations to manifest your desires. It also represents how you use your own resources to achieve your goals.
  • Varuna (20000): represents money, career, how you receive fame, wealth, and money through your public image and representation.
  • Midas (1981): this represents your ability to maximize your potential and turn your natural skills into material success.
  • Rockefellia (904): represents entrepreneurial tendencies, business savvy, and money indicators through diligent, deliberate, and consistent work.
  • Abundantia (151): symbolizes an abundance of resources within your chart and it can be spiritual, emotional, or material, and encourages you to see the world through the eyes of abundance and to embrace an abundance mindset.
  • Banks (13956): is your personal bank and represents the financial organization you rely on as well as your financial management skills.
  • Mony (7782): this asteroid closely connects with the energy of money and serves as a powerful financial opportunity magnet. This can also be referred to as your lottery asteroid because it tends to bring success and fortune suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • Atira (163393): represents random acts of kindness, volunteering, and contributing to causes that matter to your heart. It teaches you that true prosperity is achieved through selfless generosity. The more you practice kindness and generosity, the more you will be able to attract money, love, and financial surprises. You can also achieve prosperity through the utilization of material resources, such as food, riches, community, and sacrifice.
  • Bounty (3264): meaning plentiful abundance, indicated that the universe had infinite sustenance and resources, and by striving to work hard to get to the bounty. The bounty will be whichever house this falls within in your chart. It can also indicate generosity and rewards.
  • Opportunity (39382): also known as the gatekeeper of your wealth represents the boundless potential of what life has to offer, and often acts as the cosmic gatekeeper opening the door for fresh financial opportunities, new chances, and promising futures, and may even encourage you to take risks.
  • Part of Fortune or Fortuna (19): this represents good fortune, how you receive blessings, hidden abundant sources of money, worldly success, and is associated with the physical body and health as well. It can be indicative of your career or vocation.
  • Tyche (258): this represents good luck, random chance, prosperity, and fortune.
  • Amalthea (113): represents infinite fortune and a money source that you can receive endlessly.




When creating a vedic chart, you may realize that your entire system is different from the system in western astrology. Vedic astrology is the type that is used primarily in India and is based upon their calendar and system. That being said, your signs and chart can completely change when you entire your information for a vedic chart. Personally, I go from being a triple Pisces to being a triple Aquarian when I shift from western to vedic astrology. Both systems are interesting to look at, but you may end up preferring one over the other.

When doing Vedic Chart Synastry for relationships you will want to look at certain placements: Venus, Moon, Mars, the 5th house (pleasure), the 7th house (partnerships), 8th house (intimacy). Also look at the synastry between Rahu-Moon, Moon-Mercury, Venus-Moon, and Venus-Rahu.



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